Las Positas College • Spring 2021

4 3000 Campus Hill Drive, Livermore, CA 94551-7623 Tel: 925.424.1000 Fax: 925.443.0742 Dear Students, Welcome to Las Positas College! I am excited that you have decided to join us for the spring 2021 semester. The health and safety of our students and employees remain our top priority. Therefore, our faculty, staff, and administrators have worked diligently to implement a thoughtful and safe plan for the spring semester to meet the challenges of COVID-19. Below is brief summary of our plans for spring 2021: • The majority of classes will be delivered online; there will be a limited number of class sections that will meet in-person on a limited basis, adhering to state guidelines and county public orders • Counseling and Financial Aid will continue to provide virtual, on-line services and support • The Library will offer online services and support, while facilitating the free technology check-out for students (i.e. laptops, hotspots, and other academic resources) to support student success • The Computer Center, Tutorial Center, Reading and Writing Center, and Smart Shops Series Workshops will continue to provide virtual, on-line services and support • Admissions and Records, Disability Resource Center, and Student Health & Wellness Center will offer limited in person services that will adhere to required state and county public health order safety protocol • Free Wi-Fi internet access is available for students in college parking lots “C” and “D” If you plan to visit the college to receive support services, conduct essential business, or attend class, please be mindful that Las Positas College is strictly adhering to the most up-to-date county and state public health orders. This means that while on-campus, you must: • Properly wear a face mask covering both your nose and mouth • Maintain social distancing at least 6 feet apart • Practice good hygiene, wash your hands often The college is well prepared to provide you with excellent online instruction and high-quality support services during these unprecedented times. Our caring and dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators are committed to supporting you in achieving your educational goals. As you will discover, LPC prides itself on academic excellence, student success, and student completion. Thank you for choosing Las Positas College and I wish you a successful spring 2021 semester! Sincerely, Dyrell Foster, Ed.D. College President Las Positas College

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