Chabot College | Fall 2021 Class Schedule

CRN Type Day(s) Times Room Instructor Dates Code Sec CRN Type Day(s) Times Room Instructor Dates Code Sec For the most current class information, please check Chabot College online class schedule: Chabot College • Fall 2021 Class Schedule 510.723.6600 • 66 FA L L 2 0 2 1 F U L L - T E RM C L A S S E S HIS 8 US HISTORY SINCE RECONSTRUCT 3.0 Units A survey of United States history from 1877 to the present with a special emphasis on the interaction amongst and the experiences of diverse racial/ethnic (African Americans, European Americans, Native Americans, Chicano/Latino Americans, Asian Americans, and Middle Eastern Americans), gender and socioeconomic groups in American history. Includes analysis of (1) theU.S. Constitutionas a livingdocument in the context of historical change, and (2) significant issues related to California State and local governments. These are online courses with no required on-campus meetings. For important additional information, go to O 20393 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN MERCADO 08/18-12/21 GR AN1 Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. O 21615 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN ADAMS 08/18-12/21 GR AN2 Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 20877 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN ADAMS 08/18-12/21 GR AN3 Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 22916 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN EIGEN 08/18-12/21 GR AN4 Instructor's email address is [email protected] Low-Cost textbook materials for this course. O 20396 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN MERCADO 08/18-12/21 GR AN5 Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. O 20611 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN MERCADO 08/18-12/21 GR AN6 Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. O 21717 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN NIDEROST 08/18-12/21 GR AN7 Instructor's email address is [email protected] HIS 12 HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA 3.0 Units Historical development of California, including Spanish exploration and settlement and the Mexican Revolution. Transformation of California under United States control; the American conquest, the Gold Rush, and dynamic expansion to the present day. These are online courses with no required on-campus meetings. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 21616 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN MONIZ 08/18-12/21 OP AN1 O 20397 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN MONIZ 08/18-12/21 OP AN2 HIS 33 MODERN LATIN AMERICA 3.0 Units This introductory course provides an overview of twentieth-century Latin American history, focusing on social circumstances and experiences of people across social classes. We will consider how processes of change such as urbanization, revolution, civil war and U.S. intervention have critically shaped everyday life in this region. We will also focus on how Latin Americans have adapted and responded to these forces using and assortment of strategies. O 23307 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN MERCADO 08/18-12/21 GR ON1 HIS 33-ON1 is an online course with no required on-campus meetings. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. HIS 48 US WOMENS HIST THROUGH RECONSTRUCTION 3.0 Units A survey of United Stateswomen's history fromits pre-colonial, indigenous origins through the end of Reconstruction. Emphasizes the interaction and experiences of diverse racial/ ethnic groups that include at least three of the following groups: African-Americans, Chicana/Latina Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Native Americans, and Middle Eastern Americans. Emphasis on (1) distinctively American patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual and geographic developments, (2) the interaction amongst and the experiences of diverse racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups in American history, and (3) the evolution of American institutions and ideals including the U. S. Constitution, representative democratic government, the framework of California state and local government, and the relationships between state/local government and the federal government. These are online courses with no required on-campus meetings. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 22505 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN WOLFORD 08/18-12/21 GR AN1 O 23399 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN WOLFORD 08/18-12/21 GR AN2 HIS 49 US WOMENS HIST POST-RECONSTRUCTION 3.0 Units A survey of United States women's history from 1877 to the present with a special emphasis on the interaction amongst and the experiences of diverse racial/ethnic (African Americans, EuropeanAmericans, IndigenousNorthAmericans, Chicana/LatinaAmericans, AsianAmericans, andMiddle EasternAmericans), and socio-economic groups inAmerican history. Includes analysis of (1) theU. S. Constitutionas a livingdocument in the context of historical change, and (2)significant issues related toCalifornia stateand local governments. O 23087 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN WOLFORD 08/18-12/21 GR AN1 HIS 49-AN1 is an online course with no required on-campus meetings. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] HIS 52 MEX AMER HIST MESO TO MEX REV 3.0 Units Students will survey the social, political, economic, and cultural history of the Mexican American experiencewithin the context of U.S. history from the pre-Columbian era to The Mexican Revolution. Students will also critically analyze the struggles and contributions of Mexican Americans in the development of the United States with comparisons to other groups. Major topics include European colonization, Indigenous cultures and slavery, the U.S.WarwithMexico, theCivilWar, and theMexicanRevolution. (May not receive credit if Ethnic Studies 52 has been completed successfully.) O 22504 Wed 12:00 1:15 ONLN MERCADO 08/18-12/21 GR AN1 By Arr 1.5 Hrs/Wk ONLN GR HIS 52-AN1 is a distance education section that will livestream during the days and times stated, so that studentsmay interact livewith the instructor. Studentswill alsoneed tocomplete an additional 1.5 hours of TBA online instruction. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] Low-Cost textbook materials for this course. HIS 62 AFRICAN-AMER HIS THR CIVIL WAR 3.0 Units This course presents a survey of the history of the United States from the perspective of African Americans. It presents that perspective in the context of the experiences of Europeans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos. Early African history, the trade in African slaves, and exploration of the political, economic, demographic and social influences shaping African American life and culture prior to 1865 will be examined. The U.S. government and the Constitution, the California government and Constitution, and other constitutional models for comparison and contrast will also be covered. O 22503 Mon 10:30 11:45 ONLN THOMPSON 08/18-12/21 GR AN1 By Arr 1.5 Hrs/Wk ONLN GR HIS 62-AN1 is an online course that will meet online on Mondays from 10:30 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Students will also need to complete an additional 1.5 hours of TBA online instruction. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. HUMAN SERVICES* (See course listing under Psyc-Counseling) HUMANITIES HUMN 60 CREATIVITY AND THE COMMUNITY 3.0 Units The Arts as an expression of the community; the relationship between creativity and community; the artist as the conscience of society and the role of the audience in completing an artwork. Themes include the artist as prophet, art as transformative experience, the arts and social justice, and the shock of the new. O 21444 TTh 1:00 2:15 ONLN ZITTRAIN 08/18-12/21 GR ON1 This online section will be held through Canvas Confer Zoom during the days and times stated, so that students may interact live with the instructor. This class meets synchronously. HUMN 65 THE AMERICAN STYLE 3.0 Units Humanities intheUnitedStates. Majorworksof literature,painting, sculpture,architecture, film, music, philosophy, science, religion, and political and social institutions. Particular attention to values andmeanings that reflect the American cultural experience. O 20555 By Arr 3.0 Hrs/Wk ONLN SILVER 08/18-12/21 GR AN1 HUMN 65-AN1 is an online course with no required on-campus meetings. For important additional information, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. This is an asynchronous course.

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