Chabot College | Spring 2022 Class Schedule

CRN Type Day(s) Times Room Instructor Dates Code Sec CRN Type Day(s) Times Room Instructor Dates Code Sec For the most current class informa Ɵ on, please check Chabot College online class schedule: Chabot College • Spring 2022 Class Schedule 510.723.6600 • 45 S P R I NG 2 0 2 2 F U L L - T E RM C L A S S E S ACCOUNTING* (See course lis Ɵ ng under Business) ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE ADMJ 40 JUVENILE PROCEDURES 3.0 Units This course is an examina Ɵ on of the origin, development, and organiza Ɵ on of the juvenile jus Ɵ ce systemas it evolved in theU.S. jus Ɵ ce system. The courseexplores the theories that focus on juvenile law, courts andprocesses, and the cons Ɵ tu Ɵ onal protec Ɵ ons extended to juveniles in the U.S. jus Ɵ ce system. Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 D 32666 Lec Wed 10:30 11:45 506 MOORE 01/24-05/27 GR EH1 By Arr 1.7 Hrs/Wk HYBRID GR ADMJ 60-EH1 is a hybrid course conducted both on campus and over the internet. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 50 INTRO TO ADMIN OF JUSTICE 3.0 Units This course covers the history, theory, and philosophy of administra Ɵ on of jus Ɵ ce in the United States. Par Ɵ cular emphasis is placed on the principles, opera Ɵ onal prac Ɵ ces, and structure of the police, courts, and correc Ɵ ons agencies. Students are introduced to the origins anddevelopment of criminal law, legal processes, and sentencing and incarcera Ɵ on policies. Students examine the methods of crime measurement, explana Ɵ ons of crime, and the challenges and opportuni Ɵ es for lawenforcement in a diverse society. D 30698 Lec MW 9:00 10:25 552 MOORE 01/24-05/27 OP E01 D 30062 Lec Tue 9:00 10:15 555 PALERMINI 01/18-05/27 OP H01 By Arr 1.5 Hrs/Wk HYBRID OP ADMJ 50-H01 is a hybrid course conducted both on campus and over the internet. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 31389 By Arr 3.6 Hrs/Wk ONLINE MACKEY 01/31-05/20 OP EN1 ADMJ 50-EN1 is an online course with no required on-campus mee Ɵ ngs. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 54 INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING 3.0 Units Inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ve reports with emphasis upon accuracy and necessary details. Includes arrest reports, incident reports andmiscellaneous fi eld reports. Techniques andmethods used to cover informa Ɵ on; how to analyze and present informa Ɵ on in a clear and concise report. D 30399 Lec Tue 3:00 4:50 556 JOHNSON 01/24-05/27 GR EH1 By Arr 1.3 Hrs/Wk HYBRID GR ADMJ 54-EH1 is a hybrid course conducted both on campus and over the internet. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 55 INTRO TO CORRECTIONAL SCIENCE 3.0 Units This course provides a cri Ɵ cal analysis of punishment and themodern correc Ɵ onal process as u Ɵ lized in the rehabilita Ɵ on of adult and juvenile o ff enders. Explora Ɵ on of the various types of punishment, alterna Ɵ ves to punishment, types of correc Ɵ onal ins Ɵ tu Ɵ ons, and the impact of punishment on the criminal jus Ɵ ce system. O 32820 By Arr 3.6 Hrs/Wk ONLINE MACKEY 01/31-05/20 OP EN1 ADMJ 55-EN1 is a late start online coursewith no required on-campusmee Ɵ ngs. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 60 CRIMINAL LAW 3.0 Units This course o ff ers an analysis of the doctrine of criminal liability in the United States and classi fi ca Ɵ on of crimes against persons, property, morals, and public welfare. Emphasis is placed on the classi fi ca Ɵ on of crime, elements of par Ɵ cular crimes, and defenses to crime. This course u Ɵ lizes case lawand case studies to introduce students to criminal law. D 31366 Lec Tue 1:30 2:45 558 MACKEY 01/31-05/20 GR EH1 By Arr 2.1 Hrs/Wk HYBRID GR ADMJ 60-EH1 is a hybrid course conducted both on campus and over the internet. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] D 30063 Lec Tue 10:30 11:45 557 MACKEY 01/18-05/27 GR H01 By Arr 1.5 Hrs/Wk HYBRID GR ADMJ 60-H01 is a hybrid course conducted both on campus and over the internet. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 31812 By Arr 6.7 Hrs/Wk ONLINE MACKEY 03/21-05/20 GR EN1 ADMJ 60-EN1 is an online course with no required on-campus mee Ɵ ngs. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 61 EVIDENCE 3.0 Units This course examines the origins, development, philosophy and the cons Ɵ tu Ɵ onal basis for the rules of evidence. During the course of the semester, we will explore the rules and policies governing the kinds of informa Ɵ on which can be received at trial, how evidence can be properly developed and obtained by law enforcement o ffi cers, and how evidence may be considered by the judge and/or jury. Topics are considered fromboth a theore Ɵ cal and a prac Ɵ cal viewpoint. Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 , ADMJ 60 O 30064 Wed 12:00 1:15 ONLINE GRAHAM 01/18-05/27 GR ON1 By Arr 1.5 Hrs/Wk ONLINE GR ADMJ 60-ON1 is a combina Ɵ on online course with synchronous required Zoom lectures conducted over the internet on the days and Ɵ mes stated and 1.5 hours of asynchronous mee Ɵ ngs online a week. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 63 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION 3.0 Units This course addresses the techniques, procedures, and ethical issues in the inves Ɵ ga Ɵ on of crime, including organiza Ɵ on of the inves Ɵ ga Ɵ ve process, crime scene searches, interviewing and interroga Ɵ ng, surveillance, source of informa Ɵ on, u Ɵ lity of evidence, scien Ɵ fi c analysis of evidence and the role of the inves Ɵ gator in the trial process. Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 and , ADMJ 60 D 30286 Lec TTh 1:30 2:45 553 JOHNSON 01/18-05/27 GR 001 ADMJ 70 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3.0 Units This course examines the complex, dynamic rela Ɵ onship between communi Ɵ es and the jus Ɵ ce system in addressing crime and con fl ict with an emphasis on the challenges and prospects of administering jus Ɵ ce within a diverse mul Ɵ cultural popula Ɵ on. Topics covered may include crime preven Ɵ on, restora Ɵ ve jus Ɵ ce, con fl ict resolu Ɵ on, and ethics. Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 E 30065 Lec Wed 6:00 8:50 559 MCALLISTER 01/18-05/27 GR 071 ADMJ 80 CRIMINAL COURT PROCESS 3.0 Units This course examines due process and the cons Ɵ tu Ɵ onal, statutory and rule-based issues that arise in the formal processing of a criminal case from pre-arrest through that and appeal. Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 , ADMJ 60 O 31392 By Arr 3.6 Hrs/Wk ONLINE MACKEY 01/31-05/20 OP EN1 ADMJ 80-EN1 is an online course with no required on-campus mee Ɵ ngs. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] ADMJ 85 INTRODUCTION TO FORENSICS 3.0 Units Thiscourseprovidesanintroduc Ɵ ontotheroleofforensicsincriminalinves Ɵ ga Ɵ ons.Itexamines themethodsu Ɵ lized intheforensicanalysisof crimescenes,pa Ʃ ernevidence, instruments, fi rearms, documents and controlled substances. Strongly Recommended: ADMJ 50 D 32069 Lec Wed 1:00 4:50 1613 NIELSON 01/24-05/27 OP E01 ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH 1 BIOLOGICAL/PHYSICAL ANTHRO 3.0 Units Humans as a biological species through the examina Ɵ on of human evolu Ɵ onary biology and gene Ɵ cs, compara Ɵ ve primate anatomy and behavior, and fossil evidence. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 1A or , Eligibility for ENGL 1 D 30067 Lec MW 9:00 10:15 503 OTTE 01/18-05/27 OP 001 D 30066 Lec MW 10:30 11:45 503 OTTE 01/18-05/27 OP 002 D 30695 Lec MW 12:00 1:15 503 OTTE 01/18-05/27 OP 003 D 30193 Lec TTh 10:30 11:45 503 Sta ff - So 01/18-05/27 OP 004 D 32008 Lec Fri 9:00 11:50 503 GRAVER 01/18-05/27 OP 005 O 31480 By Arr 3.6 Hrs/Wk ONLINE OLSON 01/31-05/20 OP EN1 ANTH 1-EN1 is an online course with no required on-campus mee Ɵ ngs. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] O 30131 By Arr 3.6 Hrs/Wk ONLINE ESPINOZA BA 01/31-05/20 OP EP1 This course is part of the PACE Program. This course will open to all students for registra Ɵ on on or before 12/14/21. ANTH 1-EP1 is an online course with no required on-campus mee Ɵ ngs. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on, go to For informa Ɵ on about the PACE Program, go to Instructor's email address is [email protected] Zero-Cost / FREE textbook materials for this course. O 31102 By Arr 3.6 Hrs/Wk HYBRID OLSON 01/31-05/20 OP EH1 ANTH 1-EH1 is a hybrid course conducted both on campus and online. The instructor will inform students when the in-person mee Ɵ ngs will be during the fi rst week of class. For important addi Ɵ onal informa Ɵ on go to Instructor's email address is [email protected]

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