16 English as a Second Language Advanced ESL Communica�on Studies* CL ESL College Grammar Pathway CP ESL College Reading and Wri�ng Pathway CP Voca�onal ESL: Retail CL Environmental Science Environmental Science AS Environmental Studies Environmental Studies AA Film Studies Film Studies AA CA Fire Service Technology Company Officer* CA Fire Academy - Fire Suppression* CA Fire Officer Leadership and Management AS Fire Preven�on* CA Fire Service Technology* AS CA Geography Geography AA-T Geology Geology AS-T CA Geology Major CA Global Studies Global Studies AA-T Graphic Design & Digital Media Digital Illustra�on* CA Graphic Design* AA CA Print Design* CA Web & Interac�on Design* CA Health Public Health Science AS-T History History AA-T Hor�culture Hor�culture* AS CL Landscape Design* CA Landscape Maintenance and Construc�on* CA Nursery, Greenhouse, and Grower Opera�ons* CA Ornamental Hor�culture* CA Humani�es Humani�es AA CA Interior Design Interior Design* AS CA Journalism and Media Studies Journalism* AA-T CA Journalism and Media Studies* AA Kinesiology Athle�c Training/Sports Medicine* CA Fitness Trainer* CA Kinesiology AA-T Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies Social Jus�ce Studies: LGBTQ Studies AA-T Liberal Arts and Sciences Arts and Humani�es AA Business AA Computer Studies AA Language Arts and Communica�on AA Mathema�cs and Science AA Social and Behavioral Sciences AA Library Studies Basic Research Skills CL Marke�ng Marke�ng* AA CA Retailing* CA Mathema�cs College Mathema�cs Pathway CP College Mathema�cs Support CP Founda�onal Mathema�cs Pathway CP Math Jam Tutor Pathway CL Mathema�cs AS-T Music Commercial Music: Music Business* CA Commercial Music: Music Technology Fundamentals* CA Commercial Music: Piano Teaching Fundamentals* CA Commercial Music: Scoring for Film and Mul�media* CA Commercial Music: Teaching Beginning Piano* CA Commercial Music: Teaching Intermediate Piano* CA Jazz Studies CA Music AA AA-T Nutri�on Nutri�on and Diete�cs AS-T Occupa�onal Safety and Health Occupa�onal Safety and Health* AS CA Occupa�onal Safety* CA Philosophy Philosophy AA-T Photography Photography* AA CA Physics Physics AS Poli�cal Science Poli�cal Science AA-T Psychology Psychology AA-T Psychology-Counseling Social Work and Human Services* AA-T Sociology Sociology AA-T Spanish Spanish AA-T CA Theater Arts Ac�ng* CA Actors Conservatory* CA Musical Theater CA Technical Theater* CA Theater Arts AA AA-T University Transfer CSU General Educa�on Breadth CA IGETC (Intersegmental General Educa�on Curriculum) CA Vi�culture & Winery Technology Enology* AS CA Vi�culture* AS CA Wine Hospitality* CA Welding Technology Welding Technology* AS CA Women’s Studies Social Jus�ce Studies: Women and Gender Studies AA-T 2022-2023 Degrees and Cer�ficates
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