19 SPRING 2023 Description of Section Types: FULLY ON-CAMPUS DAY & EVENING (“D0”AND “E0”SECTIONS) This course is an On-Campus class. Carefully note the day, time and building the course will meet in-person. This is what it looks like in the schedule: Psychology Counseling CRN Subj Crse Sec Units Title Campus Start Date End Date Days Times Bldg Room 33031 PCN 3 D01 3.00 Theories of Counseling: Intro Las Positas College Jan 18, 2022 May 27, 2022 MW 11:00am - 12:15pm L1600 1641 Instructor(s): Staff - LPC, GENERAL ASYNCHRONOUS This course is an asynchronous online class. It does not have scheduled meeting times. Weekly assignments are completed independently by the established deadlines in the syllabus. Materials are accessed through the learning system Canvas This is what it looks like in the schedule: Art - History CRN Subj Crse Sec Units Title Campus Start Date End Date Days Times Bldg Room 32542 ARHS 1 A01 3.00 Intro to Art History Las Positas College Jan 18, 2022 May 27, 2022 ONLINE Instructor(s): RENTERIA, SORAYA This course is an asynchronous online class. It does not have scheduledmeeting times. Weekly assignments are completed independently by the established deadlines in the syllabus. Materials are accessed through the learning system Canvas. SYNCHRONOUS This course is a synchronous online class, in which instruction occurs remotely at a scheduled time. Carefully note the day and time the course will meet online. Materials and links to the virtual classroom, ConferZoom, are accessed through the learning system Canvas. This is what it looks like in the schedule: Math CRN Subj Crse Sec Units Title Campus Start Date End Date Days Times Bldg Room 31288 MATH 1 S01 5.00 Calculus I Las Positas College Jan 18, 2022 May 27, 2022 MWF 9:30 AM- 10:55 AM ONLINE Instructor(s): MAJUMDAR, RUCHIRA This course is a synchronous online class in which instruction occurs remotely at a scheduled time. Carefully note the day and time the course will meet online. Materials and links to the virtual classroom, ConferZoom, are accessed through the learning system Canvas. DESCRIPTION OF SECTION TYPES
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