21 SPRING 2023 925.424.1000 | [email protected] SPRING 2023 - COURSE LISTINGS SPRING 2023 Course Listings ________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT ENROLLMENT INFORMATION Please pay close attention to course deadline dates These dates may vary for some courses (such as Late Start and Fast Track). Complete the following steps to check the deadline dates to add a course, drop with NGR (no-grade-of-record), get a refund, pass/no pass and withdrawal: How to Check for Add, Drop NGR, Refund, Pass/No Pass and Withdrawal deadlines: 1. Log into CLASS-Web 2. Select the “Student Services” tab 3. Click the “Registration” link 4. Click the “Check Class Deadlines” link 5. Enter the CRN ________________________________________________________ SECTION NUMBERS D0_ = On-Campus Day Course E0_ = On-Campus Evening Course A0_ = Asynchronous (online only) S0_ = Synchronous (online only) B0_ = Both (combination of Synchronous -and- Asynchronous Online) H0_ = Hybrid - (Asynchronous -or- Synchronous Online, with Face-to-Face Components) HF_ = HyFLEX (on-campus -or- optional online) AP_ = Apprenticeship C0_ = Corequisite Paired Course CE_ = Credit by Exam FC_ = Federal Corrections FSA = College Foundation HS_ = High school (grant-funded) LC_ = ECD Learning Community M0_ = Math Jam P0_ = Puente Program ST_ = Alternate Instruction T0_ = Technical Math: Emporium Mode U0_ = Umoja Program VT_ = Veteran Program WLC = Weekend ECD Learning Community X0_ = Math Emporium Mode ________________________________________________________ MEETING DAYS M/Mon = Monday T/Tue = Tuesday W/Wed = Wednesday R/Th/Thu = Thursday F/Fri = Friday S/Sat = Saturday Daily = Monday thru Friday ________________________________________________________ ROOMS Refer to campus map on page 87 for room and building locations. ( * ) indicates a course is held off-campus ________________________________________________________ “STAFF” NOTATION As courses are assigned to instructors, the updates will be posted on CLASS-Web and The ZONE. ________________________________________________________ SPRING 2023 TERM DATES Full-Term.......................................................................1/17 - 5/26 Late Start......................................................................1/31 - 5/19 Fast Track 1.................................................................. 1/17 - 3/17 Fast Track 2................................................................. 3/20 - 5/19 NOTE: Start and end dates for a course affect deadlines such as add, drop, and census. See purple box below for instructions on how to find these dates for each course. ________________________________________________________ UNITS Indicates unit value of each course. ________________________________________________________ NON-CREDIT classes are noted in GREEN ________________________________________________________ - Courses are open to all students who meet the academic requirements. - All course information is subject to change. - Courses not meeting enrollment requirements may be cancelled. Courses, dates, and times are subject to change. Please check the college website at www.laspositascollege.edu for the most up-to-date information regarding Spring course of ferings. Explanat ion of Terms used in the Cour se Li s t ings on CLASS -Web All registration notices, Financial Aid, and general College information will be sent to your ZONEmail Account. Check it regularly.
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