33 SPRING 2023 925.424.1000 | [email protected] SPRING 2023 - COURSE LISTINGS Please refer to the onl ine schedule on CLASS-Web to access course section detai ls and the course record numbers (CRNs) for registration. requirements; VPNs and IPsec and their use to secure siteto-site and remote access connectivity; networking devices implementing QoS; Network Design and characteristics of scalable network architectures; network automation enabled through RESTful APIs and configuration management tools; purpose and characteristics of network virtualization. The hands-on labs include the implementation of single-area OSPFv2 in both point-to-point and broadcast multi-access networks; IPv4 ACLs to filter traffic and secure administrative access; NAT services on the edge router to provide IPv4 address scalability; network management protocols to monitor the network; and Troubleshooting LANs and enterprise networks. Strongly Recommended: CNT 8002 with a minimum grade of C COMPUTER SCIENCE CS 1 COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS I 4.0 Units Introduction to programming and problem-solving using C++. Problem solving techniques and algorithms; program design, development, style, testing and debugging. C++ syntax covered includes: variables; data types; operators and expressions; control structures; library and user- defined functions; basic file input/output; binary file input/output; arrays; vectors; abstract data types including user-defined data structures and enumerated data types. Strongly Recommended: MATH 107 and CS 7 with a minimum grade of C CS 2 COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS II 4.0 Units Application of software engineering techniques to the design and development of large programs. Object-oriented programmingmethods and problem-solving strategies applied to intermediate-level problems using C++. Includes pointers and dynamic allocation; classes; encapsulation; inheritance and polymorphism; object and function overloading; recursive algorithms; data abstraction and structures. Prerequisite: CS 1 with a minimum grade of C CS 5 INTRO TO MACHINE LEARNING 3.0 Units An introduction to machine learning (ML), with an emphasis on programming ML applications and using modern ML libraries. Basic discrete mathematics and linear algebra. An overview of various supervised learning classifiers. Unsupervised learning via clustering. Reinforcement learning with model-based and model-free approaches. Safety and ethical concerns of ML. Prerequisite: CS 7, MATH 40 and CS 1 with a minimum grade of C CS 7 INTRO TO COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 3.0 Units An introductory course in computer programming concepts and fundamental coding skills using object-oriented languages like Python. Material includes problem-solving techniques, design of algorithms, and common programming constructs such as variables, expressions, input/output, decision-making, loops and arrays. CS 17 DISCRETE MATH STRUCTURES 4.0 Units Designed for majors in mathematics and computer science, this course provides an introduction to discrete Science and their applications. Course content includes: Propositional and predicate logic; rules of inference; quantifiers; elements of integer number theory; set theory; methods of proof; induction; combinatorics and discrete probability; functions and relations; recursive definitions and recurrence relations; elements of graph theory and trees. Applications include: analysis of algorithms, Boolean algebras and digital logic circuits. Students who have completed, or are enrolled in, MATH 10 may not receive credit. Prerequisite: MATH 1 and CS 1 with a minimum grade of C (May be taken concurrently) CS 20 ADV PROGW/DATA STRUCTURES/C++ 4.0 Units Design and implementation of complex programs in C++ using a variety of fundamental data structures and algorithms. Includes the design and implementation recursive functions, of abstract data types, linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, hash tables, induction, searching and sorting algorithms, graphs, heaps and algorithm analysis. Strongly Recommended: CS 2 with a minimum grade of C CS 21 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING 4.0 Units Basics of machine architecture, CPU architecture and design, machine language, assembly language, operating system and higher level language interface. Data representation, instruction representation and execution, addressing techniques and use of macros. Space and time efficiency issues. Input/output including video modes. Procedures including parameter passing and linkage to higher level languages. Prerequisite: CS 1 with a minimum grade of C CS 41 RED HAT LINUX ADMIN. I 3.0 Units This course provides hands-on training covering basic installation, management, configuration, documentation and hardware topics for the Linux/UNIX operating system on workstations in a network environment. The course includes comprehensive coverage of topics related to Linux distributions, installation, administration, X-Windows, and networking. Students who have completed or are enrolled in CNT 7401 may not receive credit. Strongly Recommended: CIS 50 with a minimum grade of C CS 43 PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.0 Units This course applies the principles of ethical and effective communication to the creation of letters, memos, emails, and written and oral reports for a variety of business situations. The course emphasizes critical thinking, and analysis, planning, organizing, composing, and revising business documents using word processing software for written documents and presentation-graphics software to create and deliver professional-level oral presentations in-person and virtually. Additional focus will be placed on developing interpersonal skills, team participation skills, and technical report writing skills. Students who have completed or are enrolled in Business 43, Computer Networking Technology 43, or Computer Information Systems 43 may not receive credit. Strongly Recommended: ENG 1A or ENG 1AEX with aminimumgrade of C CS 47 CAPSTONE PROJECT 3.0 Units This is intended as a culminating experience within a degree or certificate sequence. Working individually or in a small team, you will develop a large-scale work-like project, driven by client needs, and requiring planning, implementation, documentation and presentation of the solution. Based on client requirements, each student or student team will design and implement a solution in a systematic and organized manner, and/or steps. Each student or student team will also Scan here to visit the current Spring 2023 class schedule online
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