Las Positas College | Spring 2023 | Class Schedule

37 SPRING 2023 925.424.1000 | [email protected] SPRING 2023 - COURSE LISTINGS Please refer to the onl ine schedule on CLASS-Web to access course section detai ls and the course record numbers (CRNs) for registration. Emphasis on the techniques and principles of effective written argument in research-based writing across disciplines. Prerequisite: ENG 1A or ENG 1AEX with a minimum grade of C ENG 12A CRAFT OF WRITING FICTION 3.0 Units Practice in writing fiction. Developing internal and external sources for stories and novels; biographical sources, characterization, plot, points-of-view, narrative techniques; analysis and criticism of published writing and individual’s own work. Strongly Recommended: ENG 11 with a minimum grade of C and eligibility for ENG 1A. ENG 12B CRAFT OF WRITING FICT: INTERMED 3.0 Units Practice in writing fiction at an intermediate level. Builds on the skills developed in English 12A by requiring the use of vivid description, specific detail, dynamic and rounded character development, consistent point of view, and logical plotting that avoids cliche. Focus on developing themes that create intellectual or emotional resonance. Expectation of sentence structure, grammar, and format accuracy. Develop internal and external sources for stories and novels; analysis and criticism of published short fiction and a book-length work; analysis and criticism of peer work and individual’s own work. Requires submission for publication at the end of the semester. Strongly Recommended: ENG 12A with a minimum grade of C and ENG 1A with a minimum grade of C ENG 12C CRAFT OF WRITING FICTION: ADV. 3.0 Units Practice in writing fiction at an advanced level. Builds on the intermediate skills developed in English 12B by requiring a mastery of description, detail, character development, consistent point of view, and logical plotting that avoids cliche. Focus on achieving themes that create intellectual or emotional resonance. Expectation of sentence structure, grammar, and format accuracy. Develop internal and external sources for stories and novels; analysis and criticism of published short fiction and a presentation about the craft in a book-length work; analysis and criticism of peer work and individual’s own work. Requires submission for publication at the end of the semester; analysis and criticism of peer work and individual’s own work. Prerequisite: ENG 12B with a minimum grade of C Strongly Recommended: ENG 1A or ENG 1AEX with aminimumgrade of C ENG 13A THE CRAFT OF WRITING POETRY 3.0 Units Practice inwriting poetry, usingmaterials drawn frompublished poetry and individual’s own work for analysis and criticism, with a focus on techniques of revision. Strongly Recommended: ENG 11 or ENG 1A or ENG 1AEX with a minimum grade of C ENG 13B WRITING POETRY: INTERMEDIATE 3.0 Units Continued practice in writing poetry, using materials drawn from published poetry and individual’s own work for analysis and criticism, with a focus on techniques of revision and submission for publication. Prerequisite: ENG 13A with a minimum grade of C ENG 19A JOURNAL OF ARTS ANDWRITING A 3.0 Units Creation of a literary-style student magazine. Practical training in the managing, editing, formatting, and printing of a literary magazine. Enrollment constitutes the staff of the magazine. Students who have completed, or are enrolled in, JAMS 19A may not receive credit. ENG 19B JOURNAL OF ARTS ANDWRITING B 3.0 Units Creation of a literary-style student magazine. Practical intermediate-level training inthemanaging, editing, formatting, and printing of a literary supplement and/or magazine with a focus on the production process, including copy editing, design, layout, proofreading, working with the printer, and digital and print distribution. Enrollment constitutes the staff of the magazine. Students who have completed, or are enrolled in, JAMS 19B may not receive credit. Prerequisite: ENG 19A or JAMS 19A with a minimum grade of C Scan here to visit the current Spring 2023 class schedule online Las Positas College ENGLISH FLOW CHART & GUIDED SELF-PLACEMENT All students are required to take the English Guided Self-Placement in CLASS-Web in order to register for an English course. Students can choose either English 1A or English 1AEX, which both meet GE and transfer requirements. ENG 1AEX is the same course as ENG 1A but offers two additional hours of lab support and practice. Visit the LPC Assessment Center website for more information on English placement or ESL assessment: TRANSFER-LEVEL ENGLISH English 4 -or- English 7 3 Hours Lecture Per Week English 1A 3 Hours Lecture + 1 Hour Lab Per Week 2.5+ GPA English 1AEX 3 Hours Lecture + 3 Hours Lab Per Week Any GPA OR LANGUAGE AND RATIONALITY A.A. REQUIREMENTS 6 Semester Units ENGLISH COMPOSITION English 1A -or- English 1AEX…………..………………………………..3 Units AND WRITING AND CRITICAL THINKING English 4 (Fiction) -or- English 7 (Non-Fiction)……….……….3 Units A.S. REQUIREMENTS 3 Semester Units ENGLISH COMPOSITION English 1A -or- English 1AEX…………………………………………..3 Units TRANSFER REQUIREMENTS Students should consult CSU GE and IGETC requirements or see a counselor

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