40 SPRING 2023 925.424.1000 | [email protected] SPRING 2023 - COURSE LISTINGS Please refer to the onl ine schedule on CLASS-Web to access course section detai ls and the course record numbers (CRNs) for registration. systems, introduction to fire strategy and tactics, and life safety initiatives. FST 2 PRINCIPLES OF FIRE SAFETY 3.0 Units This course introduces the basic principles and history related to the national firefighter life safety initiatives, focusing on the need for cultural and behavior change throughout the emergency services; assessing fire dangers and handling commonfiresituations; riskabatementandpersonalpreparation for unforeseen fire emergencies; roles and responsibilities in educating the public on fire safety; development of a survival attitude using problem-solving techniques for increased situational awareness and self-reliance in an emergency. FST 3 FIRE BEHAVIOR AND COMBUSTION 3.0 Units Theory and fundamentals of why fires start, spread, and are controlled. An in-depth study of fire chemistry and fire physics, characteristics of materials, extinguishing agents, and fire control techniques. FST 4 FIRE PREVENTION 3.0 Units Provides fundamental knowledge relating to the field of fire prevention. Topics include history and philosophy of fire prevention and organization, organization and operation of a fire prevention bureau, use and applications fire codes and standards, plans review, fire inspections, identification and correction of fire hazards, fire and life safety education, and fire investigation. Strongly Recommended: FST 1 with a minimum grade of C FST 5 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 3.0 Units This course provides information relating to the features of design, and operations of fire alarm systems, water-based suppression systems, special hazard fire suppression systems and water supply for fire protection, smoke and thermal detection systems. Installation, testing and maintenance of automatic or manual protection systems and water supply for sprinkler and standpipe systems andportable fireextinguishers. FST 6 CONSTRUCTION FIRE PROTECTION 3.0 Units This course provides the components of building construction related to fire and life safety. The elements of construction and design of structures are shown to be key factors when inspecting buildings, preplanning fire operations, and operating at fire and collapse emergencies. Development and evolution of building and fire codes will be studied in their relationship to past fires and collapses in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. Strongly Recommended: FST 1 with a minimum grade of C FST 7 FIRE SERVICE CONDITIONING 1.0 Units This course is an introduction to the components of physical fitness development and conditioning, with an emphasis in preparing students for the physical agility performance and testing standards required of “Emergency First Responder” Candidates entering into Police or Fire Academies. Students will be presented instruction on proper warm-up and stretching techniques, how to maintain and develop the components of fitness through increased muscular strength and muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and recovery, and increased flexibility and balance. Students will be introduced to Circuit Training and will also receive skills instruction on various testing parameters of the Nationally approved and recognized Certified Physical Agility Test (CPAT). Students will additionally receive instruction on various “Tools of the Trade” (i.e., Ladder Fire Hose, SCBA) for developing proper skills in handling, lifting and carrying techniques as well as developing ESL 136 PRONUNCIATION AND FLUENCY 2.0 Units Focused practice on recognizing and producing individual speech sounds, stress patterns, rhythm and intonation patterns, and grammatical signals through activities such as oral presentations, role play, authentic dialogue, and presentations. Students will focus on developing listenerfriendly pronunciation. Course content includes individual as well as group work. Strongly Recommended: Placement through the ESL assessment process. ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES EVST 5 ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY 3.0 Units Introduction and exploration of Energy production, utilization, management, and the effects on society, and the environment. This course will also compare and contrast current and future renewable and non-renewable methods of energy generation, auditing, and conservation. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENG 1A ETHNIC STUDIES ETHS 5 PSYCH. OF RACE AND IDENTITY 3.0 Units This course is an introduction to cross-cultural identities, which focuses on the way culture influences human behavior and shapes mental processes. We will study a variety of ethnic, social, and cultural group developmental norms and the extent of influence these norms may have on an individual. This course seeks to strengthen diversity to the importance of engaging in difficult discussions. This course will review a broad range of influences on human behavior and cognitive process. Topics covered include development of an individual worldview, identity development, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, ageism, immigration and acculturation, privilege, oppression and crosscultural issues in psychological literature. Students who have completed, or are enrolled in, PSYC 21 may not receive credit. Strongly Recommended: PSYC 1 with a minimum grade of C ETHS 6 INTRO TO RACE AND ETHNICITY 3.0 Units Racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Examines the cultural, political, and economic practices and institutions that support or challenge racism, racial and ethnic inequalities, as well as patterns of interaction between various racial and ethnic groups. Students who have completed, or are enrolled in, SOC 3 may not receive credit. Strongly Recommended: SOC 1 with a minimum grade of C FIRE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY FST 1 FIRE PROTECTION ORGANIZATION 3.0 Units This course provides an overview to fire protection and emergency services, career opportunities in fire protection and related fields, culture and history of emergency services, fire loss analysis, organization and function of public and private fire protection services, fire departments as part of local government, laws and regulations affecting the fire service; fire service nomenclature, specific fire protection functions, basic fire chemistry and physics, introduction to fire protection
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