87 L O O P R O A D LOT P LOT H LOT F LOT E LOT D LOT C LOT B LOT A P H O T O V O LTA I C A R R AY 3000 3100 TRACK SOCCER FIELD 4000 400 300 1300 1310 700 1700 800 1800 2400 2500 3200 AQUATICS CENTER 2600 1850 1100 1900 900 500 600 AMPHITHEATER KEY TO BUILDINGS LAS POSITAS COLLEGE CAMPUS MAP 3 0 0 0 C a m p u s H i l l D r i v e , L i v e r m o r e , C A 9 4 5 5 1 • w w w . l a s p o s i t a s c o l l e g e . e d u CAMPUS HI LL DRI VE COLL I ER CANYON ROAD BUS STOP 1600 100 C A M P U S H I L L V I N E YA R D 2700 N AT I V E P L A N T T R A I L T V P A N T 1000 2300 100 Classrooms 400 English Classrooms & Lab 500 Fine Arts 600 Classrooms, ILC (Integrated Learning Center), Open Math Lab 600 A/B Fire Service Technology Training 700 Visual Communications, Photography Studio, Computer Lab 800 Lecture Hall, Computer Labs, Auto & Welding Labs, Smog Referee Center, Horticulture Viticulture, Garden Classrooms, Greenhouse 1000 Classroom Building 1100 Central Utility Plant 1300 Bookstore 1310 Veterans Resource Center 1600 Student Services & Administration Building 1690 Academic Services, Vice President’s O ce 1689 Administrative Services, Vice President’s O ce 1670 Admissions & Records 1642 Assessment Center 1620 Cafeteria 1604 Career/Transfer Center 1663 Community Education 1616 Counseling Center 1615 DSPS High Tech Center 1668 EOPS, CARE, CalWORKs 1650 Financial Aid 1658 International Student Program 1672 Online Service Center 1680 President’s O ce 1643 Student Government (ASLPC) 1669 Student Services, Vice President’s O ce 1643 Welcome Center 1700 Campus Safety, Student Health Center, Copy Center, Mail Room 1710 Student Health Center 1717 Copy Center 1725 Campus Safety 1726 Black Cultural Resource Center 1800 Science Technology Center 1 1850 Science Technology Center 2 1900 Information Technology Services (ITS) 2000 Library (Learning Resource Center) 2300 Child Development Center 2400 Multi-Disciplinary Education Building 2401 Tutorial Center 2420 Lecture Hall 2500 Physical Education Complex (Gym) 2600 Aquatic Center 2700 Campus Hill Vineyard 3000 Maintenance & Operations Building 3100 Maintenance & Operations Building 3200 Field House 4000 Mertes Center for the Arts 4119 Main Theater 4128 Black Box Theater TRACK Track & Field - Kinesiology Lab FMO Facilities Management O ce *Pink/Current Construction Projects B2100 Academic Support and O ce Building PSC/AMT Public Safety Complex/Advanced Manufacturing and Transportation Facilities 600 A/B FUTURE HORTICULTURE FACILITY KINESIOLOGY LAB FUTURE VITICULTURE FACILITY FUTURE PSC / AMT PROJECT 2000 TEMPORARY FACULTY VILLAGE FMO FUTURE 2100
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