Looking to improve her English writing and communication skills, Rajeswari enrolled in Las Positas College (LPC) intending to take English as a Second Language (ESL) courses. As soon as she enrolled, she discovered the vast amount of opportunities LPC had to offer. Rajeswari volunteered as a tax preparation specialist, where she was able to further her experience in the accounting industry. This led Rajeswari to land a job at a private firm, the Open House Center, as an accounting manager. “LPC gave me the resources and confidence to do more than just ESL classes. I was able to gain more experience in the workforce, get an accounting technician certification, and earn college credit! I attended job fairs, workshops, and even joined a math club, which I would never have known about had I not been a student at LPC. I am currently studying for the CPA exams with the aim to open my own accounting practice.” “ S T U D E N T H I G H L I G H T S JACKIE CARRILLO Transfer Student to UC Berkeley As a re-entry, first-generation Latina college student, Jackie Carrillo desired a school that supported her goals and needs. She sought mentorship, guidance, understanding, and financial support to achieve her educational goals. Las Positas College (LPC) helped challenge Carrillo. She networked, joined leadership programs, participated in student government, and represented the student voice while balancing a work/online learning life. She credits the dedicated and welcoming professionals at LPC for helping her identify resources that eventually fully paid for her education. “Las Positas College was the perfect fit for me because it provided me with all the resources I needed to transfer to a four-year university. You are in a good place with people who care about you, and everyone at LPC wants to help and serve students of all walks of life. I never thought that enrolling at LPC would change my life and my resume so vastly. Don’t underestimate what you can do; your experience is what you make of it!” “ RAJESWARI ARUMUGAM Accounting Technician Certification
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