Santa Cruz County Parks | Fall 2023

16 • Parks, Open Space & Cultural Services Local Trips San Francisco Giants Games What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, at Oracle Park watching the San Francisco Giants vs. the Cleveland Guardians (Section 225). Bring a friend or family with you to enjoy this special day in the city. Fee includes transportation, shuttle from parking lot, and entrance to the game. September 13 $140R/$154NR Extended Tips For details on our extended trips program please visits us online at or call us at 831-454-7941 Tropical Costa Rica Experience It! Monteverde Cloud Forest Only four places in the world boast an ecosystem so unique that it produces a cloud forest, and Costa Rica is one of them. Situated high on a mountain, the Monteverde Cloud Forest is created by the forest’s dry air combining with the ADULT & SENIOR ACTIVITIES humid, hot air of the rainforest. The result is a blanket of clouds that covers the forest, mimicking constant rainfall. This extremely wet environment has bred a diverse world of exotic flora and fauna. One of the cloud forest’s most famous residents is the endangered, resplendent quetzal. This colorful bird sports a golden beak and a green-hooded head, tail feathers of gray, black, and white, and a vibrant scarlet breast. Highly exclusive, quetzal sightings are rare, but unforgettable when attained. January 22-31, 2024 Iceland's Magical Northern Lights Experience It! The Northern Lights Each year, during the winter months, travelers’ journey to Iceland and venture out into the dark to see the magical but elusive northern lights (aurora borealis). This natural phenomenon is the product of collisions between electrically charged particles from the sun that enter the earth's atmosphere; the results are spectacular. Streaks of colorful light appear across the sky. The colors can vary from white to pink or purple and, most commonly, green. It is known that the best time to witness the lights in Iceland is from late September to mid-April, when the nights are the longest. This light show is truly dazzling and worth the pursuit. February 24 – March 1, 2024 Single $4,099/Double $3,599/Triple $3,569

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