34 SPRING 2023 925.424.1000 | [email protected] SPRING 2023 - COURSE LISTINGS Please refer to the onl ine schedule on CLASS-Web to access course section detai ls and the course record numbers (CRNs) for registration. ECE 62 CHILD, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY 3.0 Units The processes of socialization and identity development, focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. Examines the influence of multiple societal contexts. Explores the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s development. ECE 63 EARLY CHILDHOOD CURRICULUM 4.0 Units This course offers students the opportunity for professional application of the principles of child growth and development in the study of play based, inclusive emergent curriculum within the physical environment of the infant, toddler and preschool classrooms. Students will learn of a variety of program models used and explore how program models inform curriculum planning. The learning experiences will include program content pertaining to the use of materials, the facilitation and guidance of all children’s experiences based on what is culturally and developmentally appropriate for children, utilizing best practices in meeting the children’s physical, social, emotional, cognitive and creative needs. Prerequisite: ECE 50 and ECE 56 with a minimum grade of C ECE 64 PLAY: MATERIALS & ENVIRONMENTS 3.0 Units Application of principles of human growth and development in the consideration of play materials and environments for children birth through early elementary. The selection and development of play materials and environments that are developmentally, culturally, and age appropriate. Prerequisite: ECD 50 and ECD 56 with a minimum grade of C ECE 68 ADMIN. PERSONNEL & LEADERSHIP 3.0 Units Effective strategies for personnel management and leadership in early care and education settings. Includes legal and ethical responsibilities, supervision techniques, professional development, and reflective practices for a diverse and inclusive early care and education program. Prerequisites: ECE 62 and ECE 63 with a minimum grade of C ECE 69 CHILD STUDY: OBSERVATION 3.0 Units This course focuses on the use of appropriate methods of assessment to document development, growth, play and learning in early childhood education settings. Students will utilize practical classroom experiences to apply a variety of methods to measure child progress, curriculum requirements, and program effectiveness. Methods include child portfolios, recording strategies, rating systems, and other tools that build on respecting and fostering all children’s competence and meeting their individual needs. Prerequisite: ECE 56 with a minimum grade of C ECE 79 TEACHING IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY 3.0 Units Examines the impact of various societal influences such as privilege, oppression, bias, and discrimination on the development of children’s social and personal identity. Selfexamination and reflection on values, beliefs and attitudes related to social identity, stereotypes, conscious and unconscious bias will be emphasized. Recognize and confront barriers that interfere with one’s ability to work effectively with diverse populations of children and families. Enhance teacher skills for educating children in a pluralistic society. The class will focus heavily on anti-bias approaches to teaching, curriculum and family partnerships. Strongly Recommended: ECE 62 with a minimum grade of C ECE 83 ADULT MENTORING AND SUPERVISON 2.0 Units Methods and principles of mentoring and supervising adults prepare relevant writtenmaterials and give an oral presentation of the final product. Strongly Recommended: CS 1 or CS 31, CNT 52, CIS 43, CNT 43, CS 43, CIS 60, CIS 62, CS 45 DANCE DANC 3A BALLET FUNDAMENTALS/BEGINNING 1.0 Units Introduction to the fundamentals of ballet, including barre, center andacross the floor technique. Proper body connectivity, alignment, strength and flexibility will be emphasized. EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION ECE 10 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION 4.0 Units This course introduces students to the concepts and issues related to teaching diverse learners in today’s contemporary schools, TK through the 12th grade. Topics include teaching as a profession and career, historical and philosophical foundations of the American education system, inequities in the field, actions to address inequities, contemporary education issues, California’s content standards and frameworks, and teacher performance standards. In addition to class time, the course requires a minimum of 54 hours of structured fieldwork in public school elementary classrooms that represent California’s diverse student population and includes cooperation with at least one carefully selected and campus-approved certificated classroom teacher. Students must be fingerprinted before class begins. Staff have a TB test completed within the last year and show proof of COVID-19, MMR, and dTAP vaccine on the first day of class. Options for lab placements at schools in the Livermore Joint Valley School District will be M-F, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. Exact days/times to be determined with the instructor. ECE 40 SOCIAL & EMOTIONAL FOUNDATIONS 3.0 Units This course will focus on the healthy social and emotional development of young children ages 0-8, as the foundation teacher in establishing learning environments that promote the healthy social and emotional development of young children, the underlying basis for quality teacher-child interactions. Strongly Recommended: ECE 56 and ECE 62 with a minimum grade of C ECE 50 EARLY CHILDHOOD PRINCIPLES 3.0 Units Historical context and theoretical perspectives of developmentally appropriate practice in early care and education. Examines the role of the early childhood educator, identification of best practices for environmental design, curriculum, and teaching strategies. Explores constructive teacher -child interactions and relationships, the role of the family in education, culture and inclusion, professional ethics, career pathways and professional standards. ECE 56 CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT 3.0 Units A study of the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/ language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will beanemphasison interactionsbetweenmaturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages.
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