Las Positas College | Spring 2023 | Class Schedule

66 SPRING 2023 Mathematics Pathways for YOUR Academic Goal! Achieve your goals efficiently and successfully with NEW pathways and support options at LPC! Students are encouraged to enroll directly into a transfer-level Math course. Research has shown students are more likely to succeed in their Math class when they enroll in concurrent support and/or Math Jam course Noncredit courses are FREE! CSU = Transferable to CSU UC = Transferable to UC Transfer limitations to UC apply: maximum credit for one series (Math 1 and 2; or Math 33 and Math 34) Associate Degree-Level Math SLAM Transfer-Level Math Courses BSTEM Transfer-Level Math Cours- Foundational Math Courses 1BSTEM = Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics For more information about pathway and support options that are right for you, visit: ASSOCIATE DEGREE PATHWAY LIBERAL ARTS Courses MATH 40, MATH 47, MATH 33, or Math 27 Business & STEM Courses MATH 30, MATH 39, or MATH 34 Choose one of the following 7 courses in either category: Enroll with confidence! Choose one or more. 2SLAM = Statistics and Liberal Arts Mathematics MATH JAM BOOTCAMP COURSES Award-winning, 1-week before the semester starts, & tuition-free! Offered the week before the Fall and Spring semesters. Innovative learning interventions help you prepare for upcoming mathematic courses. Proven to increase student success and retention rates! Visit NMAT 264 Math Jam for SLAM Math 40, 47, 33 (SLAM is Statistics, Liberal Arts Math) NMAT 265 Math Jam for BSTEM Math 34, 30, 39 (BSTEM is Business & STEM) MATH 66, 67, & 68 Math Jam for Calculus I, II & III Math 1, 2, & 3 respectively (1 lab unit) CONCURRENT SUPPORT COURSES NEW! Jam all semester long with RECOMMENDED support during the semester. Offered tuition-free (noncredit) or for credit. Aligned with your math course and designed with innovative strategies to provide math and learning support while taking your math class. There is no homework in these courses. NMAT 200C or MATH 100C Concurrent Support for SLAM (Statistics, Liberal Arts Math) NMAT 201C or MATH 101C Concurrent Support for BSTEM (Business, STEM) MATH 66C, 67C, 68C Concurrent Support for Calculus I, II & III respectively (1 lab unit) NMAT 255C or MATH 55C Concurrent Support for Intermediate Algebra MATH 33 UC/CSU Finite Mathematics, 4 units MATH 40 UC/CSU Statistics and Probability, 4 units MATH 47 UC/CSU Math for Liberal Arts, 3 units Strongly Recommended Support NMAT 200C or MATH 100C Concurrent Support for SLAM and/or Math Jam NMAT 264 LIBERAL ARTS PATHWAY FOR TRANSFER Choose one yellow: MATH 27 UC/CSU Number Systems for Educators, 3 units BUSINESS & STEM1 PATHWAY FOR TRANSFER MATH 34 UC/ CSU Calculus for Business & Social Sciences, 5 units MATH 30 UC/CSU College Algebra for STEM, 4 units MATH 39 CSU Trigonometry, 4 units and 3 MATH 3 UC/CSU Multivariable Calculus, 5 units MATH 5 UC/CSU Ordinary Differential Equations, 3.5 units MATH 2 UC/CSU Calculus II, 5 units MATH 104 UC/CSU Discrete Mathematics, 4 units MATH 7 UC/CSU Elementary Linear Algebra, 3.5 units MATH 1 UC/CSU Calculus I, 5 units Students can place into Math 1 via:  Pass both Math 30 and Math 39.  HSGPA ≥ 3.0 AND A, B, or C in HS Precalculus (all academic year), or  HS Calculus with A, B, or C. 3 Math 30 & Math 39 can be taken in any order or together. Suggested: Math 30 first. 4 Math 10 prerequisites:  Math 1 and  CS 1. Strongly Recommended Support NMAT 201C or MATH 101C Concurrent Support for BSTEM and/or Math Jam NMAT 265, MATH 66, 67 & 68 Strongly Recommended Support Support for Liberal Arts Math Courses: 200C or MATH 100C Concurrent and/or Math Jam NMAT 264 Support for Business & STEM Math: 201C or MATH 101C Concurrent and/or Math Jam NMAT 265

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