67 FEES & PAYMENT POLICY FEE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION (NOTE: Fees are subject to change without notice) ENROLLMENT FEE $46 per unit The enrollment fee for California residents, except those exempt by law, is $46 per unit. NONRESIDENT TUITION $292 per unit Nonresidents of California are required to pay a tuition fee of $292 per unit in addition to the enrollment fee ($46 per unit) and other college fees. A California Nonresident Tuition Exemption may be granted to certain nonresident students who meet the exemption requirements. Contact the Admissions and Records Office for information. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TUITION $292 per unit The tuition fee for international students, non-immigrant aliens or students on other types of visas is $292 per unit, in addition to the enrollment fee ($46 per unit) and other college fees. Failure to meet payment deadlines may jeopardize your F-1 status. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES FEE $21 per semester $18 per Summer Las Positas College has a mandatory student health services fee of $21 for Fall and Spring semesters, and $18 for Summer term. This fee is used to support health services for all enrolled students. Information on exemptions may be obtained by contacting the Admissions and Records Office. STUDENT REPRESENTATION FEE $2 per term Students are charged a mandatory fee of $2 per term to support student advocacy activities. To opt-out of this fee, students must complete the opt-out form by logging on to CLASS-web and submitting the form by February 5, 2023 for Spring 2023. STUDENT ACTIVITIES FEE $10 per semester An optional fee of $10 will be charged each semester. These fees are used to support Student Life through events and programs sponsored by our Las Positas College Student Government, Inter-Club Council, and recognized student clubs. PARKING FEE $3 daily $20 Summer $45 Fall & Spring Parking at Las Positas College is by permit only. Mandatory daily permits can be purchased for $3 fromdispensers located in the parking lots. Permits for automobiles can be purchased online via CLASS-Web or The ZONE for $45 for Spring and Fall semesters, $20 for Summer. (Motorcycles - $20). A reduced term parking fee of $30 is available for California College Promise Grant (formerly BOG Fee Waiver) students. TRANSPORTATION FEE $9/$8 per semester All students are charged a mandatory transportation fee of $9 (enrolled in six or more units), or $8 (enrolled in less than six units) per semester. As a result, students are able to ride Wheels buses throughout the semester without having to pay the ridership fare. Contact the Student Life Office for more information. Payment Methods • Automatic bank payment (ACH) • Credit card/debit card Cost to Participate • $20 enrollment fee er semest r • $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned Simple Steps to Enroll • Go to www.laspositascollege.edu • Click on CLASS-Web • Choo e Sign On to CLASS-W b and log in • Click on the e-Cashier link located on the Pay Fees Online/Registration Fee Assessment Page Target Dates to Enroll By: www.MyCollegePaymentPlan.com/laspositas For additional information, call us at 800.609.8056. Customer service representatives are available 24/7. Last day to enroll online Required down payment Number of payments Months of payments Payments on the 5th of the month June 2 none 5 June - Oct June 23 10% 4 July - Oct July 27 25% 3 Aug - Oct Aug 25 40% 2 Sept & Oct Payments on the 20th of the month Aug 25 40% 2 Sept & Oct Fall 2016 Payment plan available on May 2, 2016 Last day to enroll online Required down payment Number of payments Months of payments Payments on the 5th of the onth Jan 3 none 4 Jan - Apr Jan 26 10% 3 Feb - Apr Jan 29 25% 2 Mar & Apr Spring 2017 Payment plan available on December 1, 2016 My Payment Plan If you have questions about your agreement or need to make a change to your address, telephone number or account number, please visit www.mypaymentplan.com. Please be sure to have your confirmation email available before logging in. You will receive your confirmation email one business day after submitting your agreement. Avoid being dropped from classes! Las Positas College makes the cost of education more manageable. It’s convenient, interest-free, and affordable! Please note: The Nelnet Tuition Payment Program is available for Fall and Spring terms only. ADVANTAGES • Easy online enrollment via CLASS-Web • Monthly Payment Plan • Flexible payment options • No interest PAYMENT METHODS • Automatic bank payment (ACH) • Credit card/debit card COST TO PARTICIPATE • $20 subscriber fee per semester • $30 returned payment fee if a payment is returned SIMPLE STEPS TO ENROLL • Click n CLASS-W b • Choose Sign On to CLASS-Web and log in • Click on the e-Cashier link located on the Pay Fees Online/ Registration Fee Assessment Page MY PAYMENT PLAN If you have questions about your agreement or need to make a change to your address, telephone number or account number, please visit the following link: http://mycollegepaymentplan.com/laspositas/ Please be sure to have your confirmation email available before logging in. You will receive your confirmation email one business day after submitting your agreement. For additional information, call us at 800.609.8056. Customer service representatives are available 24/7. NELNET TUITION PAYMENT PROGRAM
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