Chabot College | Summer-Fall 2024

Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 11 510.723.6600 • FINANCIAL AID Chabot College Promise FREE COLLEGE TUITION FOR FIRST-TIME FULL-TIME STUDENTS No Enrollment Fees for the First Two Years (2024-25 and 2025-26) Requirements for Fall 2024 Consideration  The office must receive your FAFSA or Dream Act Application by the August 1, 2024 priority date.  Must enroll in and maintain 12 or more units each Fall and Spring semesters  Must not have attended any other institution of higher education.  Must be a California resident or AB 540 student.  There is no income requirement.  There is no minimum high school GPA requirement. How Does It Work?  Apply to Chabot College at  Meet all Chabot College Promise Program requirements  Incoming students completing the previous steps will automatically be considered for the Chabot Promise, and will receive either: 1. The California College Promise Grant (based on income eligibility); OR, 2. Chabot College Promise Program will pay for their enrollment fees/tuition (not campus based fees for health, activities, or parking). What Does it Cover? The Chabot College Promise will cover the $46 per unit enrollment/tuition fee at Chabot College only. Students are responsible for any books, supplies and materials fees that a class requires, as well as other non-tuition fees. See our cost of attendance ( Students may also receive additional financial aid by applying through the FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application, and submitting required documents posted in students’ CLASS-Web under the Student Services/Financial Aid menu or via Zonemail. Chabot Promise students will also receive priority consideration for our large variety of Special Programs and Services. CAL GRANT: FREE CASH FOR COLLEGE Community college students should apply for Cal Grants through the FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) by the priority due date of May 2, 2024 or no later than September 3, 2024. You may receive up to: • $6000 in Cal Grant A access amount for a verified Student with Dependents * (Regular Cal Grant A is not available for California Community College students because it is specifically for tuition only and we do not charge tuition for CA residents) • $1648 in Cal Grant B or $6000 for a verified Student with Dependents * • $1094 in Cal Grant C or $4000 for a verified Student with Dependents * * Students must certify in their Webgrants for Students account that they provide financial support more than 50% for a qualified dependent under the age of 18. Check your account at for your award information. Cal Grant for full-time students: The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) is designed to encourage California Community College students to complete their degree or certificate on time. If you are receiving a Cal Grant B or C and: • If you attend at least 12 units required to complete your declared program of study in Fall/Spring semester & meet all other eligibility requirements, you could receive $2,596 per year in SSCG. • If you are enrolled in 15 or more units required to complete your declared program of study and meet all other eligibility requirements, you could receive an additional $5,404 per year with the SSCG, for a total of $4,000 for the semester or $8,000 for the year. • If you are a current or former Foster Youth and enrolled in 12 or more units required to complete your declared program of study in Fall/Spring semester & meet all other eligibility requirements, you could receive $10,500 per year with the SSCG. The Counseling Division advises students on taking the courses needed to complete declared major.

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