CHABOT COLLEGE LEARNING CONNECTION LEARNING CONNECTION LABS & CENTERS Call/Text: 510.397.8047 Email: [email protected] Website: The Learning Connection offers FREE tutoring (drop-in or by appointment) and conversation groups. All peer and embedded tutors are Chabot College students who have been recommended and trained by Chabot instructors, and anyone enrolled at Chabot can use our services. • Fifty-minute tutoring appointments for many subjects • Conversation Groups for World Languages and ESL courses • Drop-in Tutoring for many subjects through our various labs and centers: Learning Connection Center, Communication Studies Lab, ESL Center, STEM Center, and WRAC Center. See below for more information on each one! • Check our website for online and in-person options Communication Studies Lab Email: [email protected] Website: The Communication Studies Lab is one of the many free tutoring services provided through the Learning Connection. Our team includes students with first-hand experience in various areas of Communication. Services: Receive help drafting and delivering speeches for any class, including any COMM class. Workshops: Workshops focus on common communication topics, such as Reducing Anxiety, Outlines and Organization, and Persuasive Strategies. English as a Second Language (ESL) Center Call/Text: 510.397.8047 Email: [email protected] Website: The Language Center provides helpful resources and friendly staff who can help you find the support you are looking for. If you are currently taking an ESL course at Chabot College, then you can take advantage of our free services. Tutoring (Drop-in or Appointment): Visit the Learning Connection website and look for the Drop-In Tutoring Schedule. If you want to make sure you don’t have to wait in line, you can schedule a one-time or weekly appointment by phone, Zoom, or Accudemia. Conversation Groups: Conversation groups are conducted by our friendly and knowledgeable ESL tutors every semester. Conversation groups offer a fun and relaxed atmosphere for practicing your listening and speaking skills, and they give you an opportunity to learn and use new vocabulary. Attendance is not mandatory, and it’s okay to come late or leave early! All ESL students are welcome! STEM Center (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Phone: 510.397.9489 Email: [email protected] Website: Whether you’re majoring in STEM or if you’re just taking a class in one of those subjects, the STEM Center is a great resource to receive help. Services: Free d rop-in tutoring, calculator rentals for the semester, SEP counseling appointments, and many more! STEM Programming: We host events to improve STEM skills, expose students to STEM careers, and introduce students to working STEM professionals, all in the interest of working with students as they take their next step in STEM. WRAC Center (Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum) Call/Text: 510.397.8047 Email: [email protected] Website: Having trouble with reading and writing assignments in your classes? The WRAC Center can help with reading and writing for any Chabot class! Services: The WRAC Center offers free drop-in and appointment tutoring, live workshops, resources on reading and writing topics, ENGL 215 (a noncredit support course), and more! Drop-in Tutoring: The WRAC Center offers free drop-in tutoring - no appointment needed! Just drop-in during the hours posted on our website to work one-on-one with WRAC Center Peer and Faculty Tutors on any writing or reading assignment for any Chabot class. Tutoring by Appointment: If students want a longer or regularly scheduled tutoring session, the WRAC Center offers free 50-minute tutoring appointments. Both one-time and weekly recurring tutoring appointments can be scheduled by visiting our website.
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