Chabot College | Summer-Fall 2024

Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 70 510.723.6600 • FALL 2023 COURSES ENGL 32 U.S. WOMENS LITERATURE 3 Units Chronicles the expression of U.S. women authors through readings in a variety of genres such as fiction, poetry, drama, and the essay. Explores works by authors of varied racial and ethnic backgrounds in an effort to understand the diversity of women’s voices, especially in the 20th century. ENGL 35 MODERN & CONTEMPORARY U.S. LIT 3 Units U.S. literature from the second half of the 19th Century to the present, including poetry, drama, prose fiction, and essays. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1 as determined by multiple measures or other appropriate method or ENGL 102 (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) or ENGL 101B (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) Strongly Recommended: ENGL 1 (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) or , ENGL 1A (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) ENGL 48 LITERATURE OF THE HOLOCAUST 3 Units Explores the literature of the Holocaust through readings in a variety of genres including the memoir, essays, fiction, poetry, and film. ENGL 201A NONCREDIT PREP COMPOSITION I 0 Units Non-credit course in which students will practice academic reading, critical thinking, and writing expected in credit classes or degree-applicable classes. This is the first 9-week course in a two-course Certificate of Competency in Preparation for English Composition. The course is free to students and repeatable until mastery of the skills is met. Strongly Recommended: Informed Course Selection Tool (ICST) ENGL 201B NONCREDIT PREP COMPOSITION II 0 Units Non-credit course in which students will practice academic reading, critical thinking, and writing expected in credit classes or degree applicable classes. This is the second 9-week course in a two-course sequence but may also be taken as a stand alone course leading to a Certificate of Competency in Preparation for English Composition. The course is free to students and repeatable until mastery of the skills is met. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 201A (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) and/or Informed Course Selection Tool ENGL 202 NONCREDIT READING AND WRITING 0 Units Preparation for academic reading, critical thinking, and writing expected in transfer and associate-degree classes. This course is tuition free and students may repeat this course until mastery of the skills is met. Noncredit course that is equivalent to the English 102 credit course of the same title. ENGL 210 ENGLISH JAM: NON-CREDIT COMP 0 Units In the English Jam students will review and practice components of academic reading and writing in a supportive environment. This is a non-credit class, tuition-free and repeatable, and can count towards earning a Non-credit Preparation for English Composition certificate. ENGL 215 SUPPORT WITH WRITING AND READING 0 Units Support with reading and writing. Students meet regularly with an English 215 instructor, as well as with WRAC tutors and WRAC English/ESL instructors, on a customized learning plan. This course is free and repeatable. This course is intended to assist and prepare students to be successful in college-level credit coursework. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE The ESL program at Chabot College is for learners of English. You will improve your English skills for college, work, and daily life. We want to help you reach your goals! In ESL classes you can: • Improve your English reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking skills; • Earn college credits towards a degree, or complete a noncredit ESL certificate program; • Make friends and build your confidence in English. Chabot College has five levels of ESL classes, from High-Beginning to Advanced. We do not have beginner level classes. We recommend beginners start at an Adult School until they can read, write, and speak English in full sentences. Each class is one semester, 18 weeks long. Our core program includes Reading, Writing and Grammar classes at each level. You can also take Listening and Speaking classes. In our first 3 levels, we offer noncredit classes. That means you only need to pay the $33 student fee each semester. The classes are tuition-free. Levels 4-5 are our academic ESL program. Students can earn credits that are transferable to the California State University and the University of California schools. When students complete our advanced level courses, they are well prepared for English 1 (transfer level English) and/or a professional career. You will pay regular college tuition for these levels, so you may want to apply for financial aid. ESL 15A ADVANCED READING AND COMPOSITION 1 5 Units This is the first semester of a one-year advanced ESL reading and writing course for academic purposes. Emphasis is on critical reading techniques and writing analytical essays as well as on grammar and vocabulary development. Prerequisite: ESL 110 C (Completed with a grade of “P” or higher) ESL 15B ADVANCED READING AND COMPOSITION 2 5 Units This is the second semester of a one-year advanced ESL reading and writing course for academic purposes. Emphasis is on critical reading techniques and writing analytical essays as well as on grammar and vocabulary development. Prerequisite: ESL 15A (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) ESL 16B ADVANCED ESL GRAMMAR: SENTENCE STRUCTURE 3 Units Advanced grammar and editing instruction in English sentence structure, phrases and clauses. Prerequisite: ESL 110C (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) ESL 110A LOW INTERMEDIATE READ/WRITE/GRAMMAR 6 Units A comprehensive review of basic sentence types; short writing assignments; reading fiction and nonfiction; reinforces fluency in reading, writing, and grammar. ESL 110B INTERMEDIATE READ/WRITE/GRAMMAR 6 Units Logical paragraph development, reading both fiction and nonfiction; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English. Prerequisite: A grade of pass in ESL 110A (or eligibility for ESL 110B demonstrated through ESL Placement Process). ESL 110C HIGH INTERMEDIATE READ/WRITE/GRAMMAR 6 Units Expository paragraphs and short essays; fiction and non-fiction reading; emphasis on the development of vocabulary and grammatical structures of written English. Prerequisite: ESL 110B (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) or Eligibility for: ESL 110C demonstrated through the ESL Placement Process ESL 111A PRONUNCIATION 2 Units Improve your speaking skills in this all-levels class in English pronunciation. Class will cover syllables, stress, vowel and consonant formation, difficult words and fast speech. The goal is to give you more confidence while speaking English. ESL 111B ACADEMIC LISTENING & SPEAKING 2 Units This is a credit course in ESL Listening and Speaking at the High-Intermediate Level. Students will gain listening comprehension skills and oral fluency for the academic and professional environment. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ESL 110C or advanced ESL levels. ESL 120 WRITING WORKSHOP FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS 0.5 Units This course is for non-native speakers of English who are taking English courses or other courses that require academic writing. It is also open to students enrolled in ESL courses. Pre-writing and paragraph-level organization are emphasized, but all aspects of the writing process are addressed as needed on an individual basis.

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