Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 79 510.723.6600 • FALL 2023 COURSES Courses are offered in multiple modalities, such as in-person, online, and hybrid, and multiple formats, such as full-term courses and short-term courses. For the most current class information, scan the QR code for the searchable online class schedule at MARKETING* (See course listing under Business) MASS COMMUNICATIONS Explore how news content is delivered through a variety of mediums, the social and cultural impact of the media, and its role in shaping public perception. Understand the process of transmitting information to a large amount of people through mass media. This can be in the form of newspapers, radio, television, websites, film, and any technology that is an outlet to get information to the public. Students can gain hands-on experience through working in our: • TV studio • Radio station • Campus newspaper MCOM 9 COLLOQUIUM-MASS COMMUNICATIONS 1 Unit Collaboration between Journalism, Radio and Television. Cross-platform projects in content creation. Designing material for newspaper, radio and television. Learning media production techniques. Programming philosophies, formatting content for specific media, marketing, promotions, news and sports. MCOM 20 JOURNALISM: WRITING AND INFO GATHERING 3 Units This course is an introduction to gathering and writing news in journalistic style across multiple platforms. Strongly Recommended: Eligibility for ENGL 1A MCOM 21 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION I 3 Units This course focuses on writing the student-produced school newspaper, The Spectator, and its online version, This course includes practical experience in design/layout, visual, online, multimedia journalism, and emerging technologies. Strongly Recommended: MCOM 20, Eligibility for ENGL 1 MCOM 22 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION II 3 Units This course focuses on writing the student-produced school newspaper, The Spectator, and its online version, This course includes practical experience in design/layout, visual, online, multimedia journalism, emerging technologies, and editorial mentorship Prerequisite: MCOM 21 Strongly Recommended: MCOM 20 , Eligibility for ENGL 1 MCOM 23 NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION III 3 Units This course focuses on writing the student-produced school newspaper, The Spectator, and its online version, This course includes practical experience in design/layout, visual, online, multimedia journalism, emerging technologies, and editorial leadership. Prerequisite: MCOM 22 Eligibility for: Eligibility for ENGL 1 MCOM 40 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING 3 Units Evolution of radio, television, film, the Internet, new media and their impact on culture and society. MCOM 41 INTRODUCTION TO MASS COMMUNICATIONS 3 Units History of the press and mass media; the political, social and economic impact of the press on government and public opinion. A social and cultural impact of the media and its role in shaping public perception. An overview of the news process and job opportunities in the media. MCOM 50 RADIO STUDIO TECHNIQUES 3 Units Operational procedures and practices in modern radio broadcast studios, including audio production techniques. MCOM 56 INTRO TO KCRH RADIO EXPERIENCE 4 Units Introduction to practical experience in KCRH radio station operations including programming, music, audio production techniques, promotions, news, live sports, and underwriting sales. Experience in broadcast operation of KCRH-FM. Strongly Recommended: MCOM 50 MCOM 57 KCRH RADIO LEADERSHIP EXPERIEN 3 Units Leadership experience in KCRH radio station operations including programming, music, audio production techniques, promotions, news, live sports, and underwriting sales. Experience in broadcast operation of KCRHFM. Prerequisite: MCOM 56 (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) MCOM 58 INTERMEDIATE KCRH RADIO EXPERIENCE 3 Units Intermediate practical experience in KCRH radio station operations including programming, music, audio production techniques, promotions, news, live sports, and underwriting sales. Experience in broadcast operation of KCRHFM. Prerequisite: MCOM 57 (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) MCOM 59 ADVANCED KCRH RADIO EXPERIENCE 3 Units Advanced practical experience in KCRH radio station operations including running programming, music, audio production, promotions, news, live sports, and underwriting sales departments. Experience in broadcast operation of KCRH-FM. Prerequisite: MCOM 58 (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) MCOM 60 BEGINNING TV STUDIO PRODUCTION 3 Units Introduction to TV studio practices. Hands-on experience in television studio operations, control room procedures, and basic program production. MCOM 61 TV STUDIO TECHNIQUES II 3 Units Further experience in television studio operations, control room procedures, and program production. Designed to advance skills in operating television equipment, producing and directing television programs. MCOM 68 KCTH TELEVISION EXPERIENCE 3 Units Practical experience in television production and programming. Prerequisite: Mass Communications 60, Strongly Recommended: MCOM 61. MCOM 69 KCTH TV EXPERIENCE II 3 Units Advanced practical experience in television production and programming. Prerequisite: MCOM 60, Strongly Recommended: MCOM 68.
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