Chabot College | Summer-Fall 2024

Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 23 510.723.6600 • MATH COURSE SEQUENCE NOTES ABOUT THE COURSE SEQUENCE CHART • The unit load for the course is in (parentheses). • An * notes a class that meets the minimum requirement to satisfy the AA/AS math proficiency requirement. However, AB 705 gives you direct access to first-level transferable math courses, which you are encouraged to take to meet both the AA/AS math proficiency and transfer math requirements at the same time. • A ± notes a class with the minimum requirement to satisfy the CSU GE math requirement. • It is advised that you consult a Counselor to determine UC admission math requirements and visit to determine math requirements for your major. • MTH 253 and MTH 255 are noncredit versions of MTH 53 and MTH 55, respectively. See for details. MATH SEQUENCE The green slotted line shows the path for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) math courses. The red dashed line shows the path for Business majors The blue solid line shows the path for Statistics and Liberal Arts Math (SLAM) courses Pre-Transfer Courses A pre-transfer math prerequisite to any course is automatically satisfied per AB 705. MTH 204 (Noncredit) Prealgebra MTH 53 (4) * Applied Algebra & Data Analysis or MTH 253 (Noncredit) MTH 55 (5) * Intermediate Algebra or MTH 255 (Noncredit) MTH 122 (0.5-1) Alternative Path in Developmental Math First-Level Transfer-Level Courses (take one) Statistics and Liberal Arts Math (SLAM) MTH 41S (4) ± Number Systems MTH 43 (4) ± Statistics or MTH 43 with MTH 243W MTH 47 (3) ± Math for Liberal Arts PSY 5 (4) ± Stats for Behav & Social Sci or PSY 5 with PSY 5W Business and STEM BUS 19 (4) ± Business Statistics MTH 33S (4.5) ± Finite Math MTH 21 (5) ± College Algebra for BSTEM or MTH 21 with MTH 210 (Summer 2024) or with MTH 221W (Fall 2024) Next-Level TransferLevel Courses MTH 15 (3) Applied Calculus 1 or MTH 15 with MTH 215W MTH 16 (3) Applied Calculus 2 MTH 22 (5) Trig with Analytic Geom MTH 1 (5) Calculus 1 or MTH 1 with MTH 201W MTH 2, MTH 8, and MTH 25 may be taken concurrently. MTH 2 (5) Calculus 2 MTH 8 (3) Discrete Math MTH 25 (3) Comp Methods for Engr Science MTH 3, MTH 4, and MTH 6 may be taken concurrently. MTH 3 (5) Multivariable Calculus MTH 4 (3) Elem Differential Equations MTH 6 (3) Elementary Linear Algebra MATH 122/210: MATH LAB The Alternative Path in Developmental Mathematics offers self-paced courses MTH 122 (credit) and MTH 210 (noncredit), in which you independently work on an individualized curriculum online and have weekly or biweekly conference with the instructor about your progress. The curriculum is available up to precalculus. This format works well for students who: • Wish to review math independently before taking the course for which they are eligible. • Have dropped a math course and wish to spend the remainder of the semester strengthening basic skills before they repeat the course. • Are referred by the Chabot Nursing Program for TEAS preparation. • Just want to brush up on math without the rigid structure of a class but still be guided by an instructor. For more information about the Math Lab, visit:

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