Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 24 510.723.6600 • SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM 510.723.7533 The Adult Education Program at Chabot College, in collaboration with local adult schools and Las Positas College, provides assistance and transitional support for adult learners looking to advance their academic and/or career pursuits. ASPIRE PROGRAM 510.723.7547 The ASPIRE Program offers low-income, first generation, and disabled students academic support: individualized academic, financial, and personal counseling; career exploration; and cultural enrichment activities. The program also offers multi-tiered academic support, including clustered courses, tutoring, and study groups. TALENT SEARCH BLACK CULTURAL RESOURCE CENTER (BCRC) 510.723.7615 The Chabot College BCRC is a collaborative space designed by students, for students. The BCRC is intended to support the needs of Chabot students who identify as Black, African American, Afro-Latinx, and all other students of the African diaspora. We aim to engage the rest of the campus in learning about the African diaspora, and cultures connected to the diaspora. The BCRC provides services such as mental health counseling, academic and career counseling, a computer lab, and a lending library. The BCRC also hosts cultural events and workshops that provide insight into diverse topics and motivate students to explore new areas of interests. Come visit us! We are located in the library building in room 136. CalWORKS PROGRAM 510.723.6985 The CalWORKs program offers education, job training and job placement through work study to CalWORKs/ TANF county recipients. Students can fulfill their welfare to work activity hours on campus while also receiving childcare, transportation and book/school supplies. The program provides counseling, career planning and personal development workshops. Work study students can work a maximum of 20 hours/week without affecting their county assistance. CARE PROGRAM (COOPERATIVE AGENCIES RESOURCES FOR EDUCATION) 510.723.6909 The CARE program is an EOPS supplemental program that assists single parents with additional support. The mission of CARE is to support the unique needs of single parents by promoting self-sufficiency and academic success. CARE offers counseling, childcare grants, workshops, and meal tickets. CHANGE IT NOW (CIN) Change It Now (CIN) is an academic leadership program designed for students interested in social change, transferring to a university, exploring social issues, building community, and developing leadership skills. CIN students get access to their own counselor, core transferable classes, and leadership opportunities across campus. CIN classes are rooted in social justice and critical thinking. CIN students come from all backgrounds and engage in a wide range of issues that impact our communities. For more information, please visit the CIN website or reach out to the CIN coordinator, Carmen Johnston, at [email protected]. You can join CIN by submitting a CIN application through the CIN website. The CIN counselor will follow up with you to set up your semester classes. For more information about Special Programs, please visit our website:
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