Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 88 510.723.6600 • FALL 2023 COURSES PHYSICAL EDUCATION - KINESIOLOGY Explore and study movement of the human body thru the areas of history, sociology, biomechanics, physiology, and psychology, as they relate to the sport and exercise environment. Some courses can be taken to fulfill various General Education Requirements, or carry transfer credit and can prepare you for transferring to earn a four-year degree in applicable majors. KINE 1 INTRO TO KINESIOLOGY & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 Units This is an introductory course that surveys various subdisciplines related to the study of human movement. Students will examine the areas of history, sociology, biomechanics, physiology, and psychology, as they relate to the sport and exercise environment. KINE 2 INTRODUCTION TO ATHLETIC TRAINING 4 Units This athletic training class is designed to introduce students to injury and illness prevention, assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation for physically active people. It may be of particular interest to those interested in becoming a certified athletic trainer, physical therapist, exercise specialist, or athletic coach. KINE 4 INTRODUCTION TO SPORTS MANAGEMENT 3 Units Introduction into the field of sports management. Career opportunities, human resource management, leadership, strategic planning, teamwork, ethics and values, marketing and advertising, finance, managing facilities, sports and the law, economics of sport and community impact. KINE 6 PERF ENHANCE THRU MENTAL TRAIN 3 Units The study and development of the concepts and theories associated with maximizing performance, from the from the perspective of sport as well as life, emphasizing the mental skills and strategies for stress control, visualization, goal setting and concentration. May not receive credit if Physical Education 15 has been completed. KINE 8 INTRO TO SPORT IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY 3 Units An introduction into the phenomenon of sport in society, including cultural stratification, race, gender, education, economics, politics and the mass media. KINE 10 NUTRITION FOR FITNESS/FAT LOSS 3 Units Study the role that nutrition and activity play in developing fitness and lowering body fat. Major concepts of fitness and nutrition will be presented along with training utilizing a heart rate monitor. Students will learn to assess current fitness levels and design a personal fitness and nutritional plan. May not receive credit if Physical Education 57 has been completed. KINE 14 INTRODUCTION HLTH/FITNESS DISABILITY 3 Units Application of current health teachings to individuals and life. Physiological, psychological, and social perspectives of health. Emphasis on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that will contribute to a healthy individual. KINE 16 THEORY/TECH OFFENSIVE FOOTBALL 2 Units Analysis and examination of various approaches to offensive intercollegiate football. Includes all aspects of offensive football; punt return, point after touchdown and field goal kicking. May not receive credit if Physical Education 25 has been completed. KINE 23 TECHNIQUES STRENGTH TRAIN INST 3 Units Designed to teach students how to teach a variety of strength and resistance activities. Course will include a variety of topics: safety factors, equipment, anatomy and physiology, training theory are a few of topics to be covered. KINE 70 HIST PHIL SPORT AND PHYS ACTIV 3 Units History and philosophy of sport and physical activity from antiquity to today. Special consideration is given to the development of sport and physical activity (physical education) in North America. KINE CSA COLLEGE SUCCESS FOR ATHLETES 1 Unit Aiding the student-athlete in developing realistic expectations of college, explore academic programs, and understand what is necessary to succeed in college while competing in an intercollegiate sport. Rules and regulations of the Commission on Athletics (COA), National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) will be defined. Eligibility and transferring to a four-year institution will be explored. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PEAC 5K1 TRAIN FOR 1ST - 5K (3.1 MILES) 1 Unit Designed for students who want to train and complete their first 5K (3.1 miles). In this course students will learn how to prepare physically for this event plus nutritional guidelines for a healthier life. PEAC ARH1 ARCHERY 1 1 Unit Designed to teach the basic skills, techniques, rules of safety and etiquette in archery. PEAC ARH2 INTERMEDIATE ARCHERY 1 Unit Designed to enhance intermediate skills of archery and to build on the skills and knowledge from archery 1. Prerequisite: PEAC ARH1. PEAC ARH3 ADVANCED ARCHERY 1 Unit Advanced instruction in Archery and bowmanship. Prerequisite: PEAC ARH2. PEAC ARH4 TOURNAMENT ARCHERY 1 Unit Designed to allow the advanced archer to hone their competitive shooting skills a tournament setting. Prerequisite: PEAC ARH3. PEAC BAD1 BADMINTON 1 0.5 - 1 Unit Basic fundamental badminton techniques strategies will be covered. PEAC BAD2 BADMINTON 2 0.5 - 1 Unit This course is for students who have played Badminton before. Students should already know how to rally, and have knowledge of the rules. This course is not for beginners. Prerequisite: PEAC BAD1. PEAC BAD3 BADMINTON 3 0.5 - 1 Unit Theory and practice of advanced badminton that includes advanced techniques and tactics. This will include drills, practice, and tournament play. Fitness drills and conditioning will be incorporated into the class. Prerequisite: PEAC BAD2. PEAC BAD4 BADMINTON 4 0.5 - 1 Unit Designed for students who wish to compete in badminton tournaments. The theory and practice of advanced badminton will be covered. This will include drills, practice, fitness conditioning, and tournament play. Prerequisite: PEAC BAD3. PEAC BSK1 BASKETBALL 1 1 Unit Designed to teach the basic skills and mechanics needed to successfully play the game of basketball. PEAC BSK2 INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL 1 Unit Designed to teach intermediate skills of basketball. Prerequisite: PEAC BSK1. PEAC BSK3 ADVANCED BASKETBALL 1 Unit Advanced basketball course is used for advanced skill and training development and game play. Prerequisite: PEAC BSK2. PEAC BSK4 PRE-COMPETITIVE BASKETBALL 1 Unit Pre Competitive basketball is skills and training and game play to play in a highly competitive setting. Prerequisite: PEAC BSK3.
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