Chabot College | Summer-Fall 2024

Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 96 510.723.6600 • FALL 2023 COURSES THTR 22 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN-COSTUME/MAKEUP 3 Units Students will study costume history, design, and basic construction techniques as an introduction to basic theatrical costuming. There will also be attention paid to makeup for theatrical purposes. THTR 30A INTRODUCTION TO EMERGING WORK 3 Units Development of new plays for staged readings and/or productions. This class will develop and perform plays for an audience, with an emphasis on the evolution of the dramatic texts. Special projects, such as specific textural challenges, may be included. THTR 30B BASICS OF EMERGING WORK 3 Units This is continuation of THTR 30A, the development of new plays and/or other special projects for production and/ or readings. This course emphasizes character study and scene breakdown. Prerequisite: THTR 30A (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 30C EMERGING WORK READING WKSHOP 3 Units This is a continuation of THTR 30B, as students further their skills in the development of new dramatic material. This course emphasizes character development and story arc, culminating in the staged reading, the reading workshop. Prerequisite: THTR 30B (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 30D EMERGING WORKSHOP PRODUCTION 3 Units This is the capstone course of the THTR 30 track, where students continue to hone their skills in the development of new work and/or other special projects for the stage. This course will emphasize an actual staged production near the end of the term, with instruction in student directing, stage management, elemental production values of lights, sound and costumes. Prerequisite: THTR 30C (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 47A INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE THEATER ACTING 3 Units This course provides instruction and supervised participation in theater rehearsal and performance in main season production or project. Enrollment is for duration of the production. THTR 47B COLLEGE THEATER ACTING- BASICS 3 Units This is a continuation of THTR 47A, as students further their acting skills in a college production. This course emphasizes character development, along with objectives, actions and obstacles. Prerequisite: THTR 47A (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 47C COLLEGE THEATER ACTING: INTERMEDIATE 3 Units This is a continuation of THTR 47B for furthering a student’s skill as an actor in a college production. Emphasis in this course will be on effective rehearsal techniques, generous responses, and ensemble building. Prerequisite: THTR 47B (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 47D COLLEGE THEATER ACTING: ADVANCED 3 Units This is a continuation of THTR 47C, where students further developing their skills as actors in a college production. This course will emphasize the polish in performance, the evaluation of one’s work and the development of a personal, creative process. Prerequisite: THTR 47C (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 48A COLLEGE THEATER TECHNICAL: INTRODUCTION 3 Units Participation in scheduled productions as crew members and/or constructing its technical elements. Development of skills in the various technical areas involved in the presentation of a theatrical production. THTR 48B COLLEGE THEATER TECHNICAL: BEGINNING 3 Units This is a continuation of THTR 48A. Participation in scheduled productions as crew members and/or constructing its technical elements. Continued application of skills in the various technical areas involved in the presentation of a theatrical production learned in THTR 48A. Prerequisite: THTR 48A (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 48C COLLEGE THEATER TECHNICAL: INTERMEDIATE 3 Units This is a continuation of THTR 48B. Participation in scheduled productions as crew members and/or constructing its technical elements. Application of skills in the various technical areas involved in the presentation of a theatrical production learned in THTR 48B. Prerequisite: THTR 48B (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) THTR 48D COLLEGE THEATER TECHNICAL: ADVANCED 3 Units This is the capstone course in the THTR 48 track. Participation in scheduled productions as crew members and/or constructing its technical elements. Application of leadership skills in the various technical areas involved in the presentation of a theatrical production. Prerequisite: THTR 48C (completed with a grade of “C” or higher) TUTORING TUTR 1A BEGIN TUTORING THEORY AND PRACTICE 0.5 Units Beginning training for college tutors and study group leaders to acquire specific skills and techniques for tutoring and leading study groups. TUTR 1B INTERMED TUTORING THEORY AND PRACTICE 0.5 Units Intermediate training for college tutors to acquire specific skills and techniques for tutoring and leading study groups. Prerequisite: TUTR 1A (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING SOCIAL SCIENCE 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING BUSINESS 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING MATH 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING LIFE SCIENCE 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING CHEMISTRY 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING ENGLISH 0.5 Units TUTR 2A BEG CONTENT TRAINING WORLD 0.5 Units Beginning training for college tutors to acquire skills and techniques for tutoring in specific content areas. TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING SOCIAL SCIENCE 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING SCHOOL OF THE ARTS 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING BUSINESS 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING MATH 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING LIFE SCIENCE 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING CHEMISTRY 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING ENGLISH 0.5 Units TUTR 2B INTER CONTENT TRAINING WORLD 0.5 Units Intermediate training for college tutors to acquire skills and techniques for tutoring in specific content areas. Prerequisite: TUTR 2A (completed with a grade of “P” or higher) TUTR 31A CHABOTLINK BEGINNING PEER ADVISOR TRAINING 1 Unit Beginning skills, techniques, leadership training, and information needed by peer advisors to help students gather information and explore practical strategies for academic success. College policies, campus resources, programs and services, student rights and responsibilities, general educational planning (including graduation and transfer requirements), major offerings, public speaking, listening strategies. Required for all peer advisors participating in the ChabotLink Program.

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