Chabot College • Summer and Fall 2024 Class Schedule 25 510.723.6600 • SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND SERVICES DISABLED STUDENTS PROGRAMS & SERVICES (DSPS) 510.723.6725 DSPS serves the needs of students with physical, communicative, psychological, and learning disabilities. DSPS provides academic, personal and vocational counseling, and offers courses to assist students with successful transition to, support in, and success beyond college. DSPS assists with academic accommodations, creation of student education plans (SEPs), information on community resources, and referrals for diagnostic evaluations. The Accessibility Center for Education (ACE) in Bldg. 2400 provides study space and assistive technology, houses the alternative testing and technology labs, and is home to DSPS counselors and staff. DSPS also has a Learning Skills program and an Adaptive PE program. We offer students with disabilities a variety of courses in English, Math, Computer Application Systems, Psychology-Counseling, and Physical Education, as well as a Learning Disability diagnostic clinic (LNSK 116). See below for a listing of DSPS classes offered. DSPS: ACE services are available to all eligible students. For more information, call 510.723.6725, email [email protected], or check out our website, SUBJECT TITLE UNITS ADPE ADSF Adapted Stretch & Flexibility 1.0 ADPE ADST Adapted Strength Training 1.0 ADPE 1DSS Disabled Stretch/Strength Training 1.0 LNSK 100 Adapted Computer Keyboarding 3.0 LNSK 101 Adapted Word Processing 3.0 LNSK 102 Intro to Assistive Technology 1.0 LNSK 116 Learning Skills: Diagnostic Clinic 2.0 LNSK 117 Learning Skills: Reading 4.0 SERV 85 Learning in Action 1.0 SUBJECT TITLE UNITS LNSK 118A Learning Skills: Read/write 3.0 LNSK 118B Learning Skills: Write/read 3.0 LNSK 119 Learning Skills: Mathematics 3.0 LNSK 120 Learning Skills: Study Strategies 1.0 LNSK 121 Learning Skills: Quantitative Strategies 1.0 LNSK 217 Learning Skills: Reading Non-credit LNSK 219 Learning Skills: Mathematics Non-credit PSCN 10 Career and Educational Planning 2.0 PSCN 20 The College Experience 2.0 PSCN 24 Personal Growth 1.0 DREAM CENTER 510.723.6957 The Dream Center is a safe and confidential space for undocumented students and their allies providing specialized counseling, financial aid information, legal services and workshops, scholarship information, and a laptop lending library. The Dream Center is located inside building 700, 1st floor, room 706. ECD CLASSES EN ESPAÑOL 510.723.7629 Chabot College ofrece cursos para obtener su certificado de Maestro Asociado en Educación de la Niñez. Materiales en Ingles se presentarán gradualmente en las siguientes clases básicas: Cursos básicos con las unidades • ECD 50 Introducción a la Educación Temprana de los Niños 3 • ECD 56 Desarrollo Prenatal hasta la Adolescencia 3 • ECD 62 El Niño, la Familia y la Comunidad 3 • ECD 63 Currículo para la Educación de la Niñez 4 También debe tomar uno de los siguientes cursos para obtener un total de 16 Unidades • ECD 41 Estrategias para trabajar con Comportamientos Desafiantes3 • ECD 67 Desarrollo y Cuidado de Infantes y Niños Pequeños 3 • ECD 69 Estudio del Niño: Observación y Evaluación 3 • ECD 79 Enseñando en una Sociedad Diversa 3 Para registrarse y para más información enviar un correo electrónico a: [email protected] con su información y sus preguntas. EL CENTRO 510.723.6714 El Centro is a bilingual (English/Spanish) resource center dedicated to serving the needs of Latinx and/or lowincome students and their families. El Centro services include financial aid advising, academic and career counseling, math tutoring, a supplemental food pantry, and an ethnic studies book lending library. El Centro hosts cultural events and programming, including La Bienvenida, Raza College Day, and the Chicanx Latinx Graduation Celebration. Our Summer Bridge Program for incoming first-time students anticipating to receive a degree and/or certificate provides Math Preparation and Personalized Support for 3 weeks. Visit us today in Building 700 South. For more information about Special Programs, please visit our website:
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